List of Tamil words in Albanian language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Albanian language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Albanian is an Indo-European language spoken by the Albanians in the Balkans and the Albanian diaspora in the Americas, Europe and Oceania. With about 7.5 million speakers, it comprises an independent branch within the Indo-European languages and is not closely related to any other Indo-European language.
First attested in the 15th century, it is the last Indo-European branch to appear in written records. This is one of the reasons why its still-unknown origin has long been a matter of dispute among linguists and historians. Albanian is considered to be the descendant of one of the Paleo-Balkan languages of antiquity. For more historical and geographical reasons than specifically linguistic ones, there are various modern historians and linguists who believe that the Albanian language may have descended from a southern Illyrian dialect spoken in much the same region in classical times. Alternative hypotheses hold that Albanian may have descended from Thracian or Daco-Moesian, other ancient languages spoken farther east than Illyrian. Not enough is known of these languages to completely prove or disprove the various hypotheses.
The two main Albanian dialect groups (or varieties), Gheg and Tosk, are primarily distinguished by phonological differences and are mutually intelligible in their standard varieties, with Gheg spoken to the north and Tosk spoken to the south of the Shkumbin river. Their characteristics in the treatment of both native words and loanwords provide evidence that the split into the northern and the southern dialects occurred after Christianisation of the region (4th century AD), and most likely not later than the 5th–6th centuries AD, hence occupying roughly their present area divided by the Shkumbin river since the Post-Roman and Pre-Slavic period, straddling the Jirecek Line.
Centuries-old communities speaking Albanian dialects can be found scattered in Greece (the Arvanites and some communities in Epirus, Western Macedonia and Western Thrace), Croatia (the Arbanasi), Italy (the Arbëreshë) as well as in Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. Two varieties of the Tosk dialect, Arvanitika in Greece and Arbëresh in southern Italy, have preserved archaic elements of the language Ethnic Albanians constitute a large diaspora, with many having long assimilated in different cultures and communities. Consequently, Albanian speakers do not correspond to the total ethnic Albanian population, as many ethnic Albanians may identify as Albanian but are unable to speak the language.
Standard Albanian is a standardised form of spoken Albanian based on Tosk. It is the official language of Albania and Kosovo and a co-official language in North Macedonia, as well as a minority language of Italy, Montenegro, Croatia, Romania and Serbia.

Map portraying countries where Albanian holds official status:
official language;
recognised minority language.
Clues to read Albanian words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once the letter has to be read only once.
Ref; 1. An Historical Albanian – English Dictionary – by Stuart E. Mann. M.A.
2.Albanian Etymological Dictionary by Vladimir Orel.
English- Albanian- Tamil
1.small/ dwarfed- vogel- kullam
2.ear- vesh- sevi- letters are in reversed order.
*3.heat- vape- veppam
*4.girl- vajze – vasai ; vanji .
* sound- ushtoj- oaasai idu ; oaasai- sound .
6.owl- ut- aanthai
7.soldier- ushtar- sottaiyalar hate - urrejita- verruththidu
9.way- udhe- aththam ; nadai ; veethi /street . weave- thur- neither
11. to plait- thur- mudaithar ; thoduththar .
12. knife- thike- kaththi ; letters are in reversed order.
*13. to pierce- ther-theiththar
14. to roast- thek- suduka
15. to frighten- tuta- peethi adiya / frightened
*16. brave- trim- theeram; theiriyam .
17. to cut- tok thundikka
*18. to sharpen- tok- theettuka
19. heap- tog- paedakam
20. bull- ter- eruthu ; letters are in reversed order.
*21. land- tere -tharai
22.darkness- terr- iruttu ;letetrs are read in reversed order.
*23.aunt- teto- aththai /maternal
24.father- tate- thathai ;thanthai; aththaa .
25.small boat- take- pattikai
*26. to get- takoj – adaika
* reach- takoj- adaika
28.urine- shurre- siru neer ; neer- water.
29.shield- shqyt- kaedayam make dirty – shkrryva- karaiyaa. dirty
31. rock- shkrep- kar paarai ;letters are jumbled. shkolla- kalvi saalai ; kalvi- education ;letters are jumbled ;ka= va; va= ka . destroy- shkaterroj- keduththar
* make red/ blush - skuq- sivakka ; ka= va; va= ka.
35.tilled field- slog- uzhuka/ to till
*36.mud- qyl- kali munn
* qytet- kudi
*38.porridge /liquid food- qull- koozh ; kali .
*39.owl- qoke- kookai
40.copulate- qij- oaakka
* quell –kuzhai blame- qertova –kurai kooridu ; kurai- complaint; kooridu- say’ letters are read more than once.
* ask /demand- qeroj- koaru
44.wagon /cart- qerr – kaar/ wheel/ leg
* cut- qeth- kaathu ; vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
46.priest’s house- qele- iyan kulam; iyan- priest; kulam- house.
47.whore- putere- paraththai; letters are jumbled.
* pune- pani
*49.little boy- pot- podiyan
50.fart- pordhe – pirinthida/ pass
51.honey comb- pite- thaen adai ;thaen- honey .
52.pudenda- pidh- punndai
53.tiny /small- picerr- siriya
54.layer- pete- yaedu
55.clothes- petk- -udukkai
56.pond- pellg- elankku / lake
57.depth- pellg- aazhamaaka / deep swim- notoj- neenthu
*59.mother- nana- annai happen-/ occur -ndodh – nadanthida
*61.shoot/ bud- mugull- mukizh; mukulam .
62.death- mort- marainthida /disappear
* mjegull- mukil
*64.mother- meme- amma
*65.mind- mend-manathu
*66.mountain- mal- malai / summit- maje- uchcham ; letters are in reversed order.
68.dirge/ mourning- ligje- azhukai paa ; paa- song ; azhuka-= to wail
* wash- lag-alakka; kazhuva; letters are in reversed order; ka = va; va= ka. bath- lag – muzhukku ; kuli ; letters are in reversed order.
*71.young dog- kute- kutti naai ;kutti- small; naai- dog.
72.whore- kurve- kanikaiyar
*73.heap- kup- kuvippu
*74.bowl/ glass- kupe- koappai / cup
*75.where- ku- enkkae
* caw- krrok- karaika
77.dark /dark hair- korropesh – karuppu /’dark/ black ; karuppu mayir ; mayir- hair.
78.arm- krah- maerkkai / upper hand; maer- upper; kai- hand ; karam .
79.raven- korb- karu vaakam ; ka= va; va= ka.
*80.hill- koder- kuttari
81.testicles- kocet- kottai
*82.cough- kolle- kakkal
*83.pretty- kolme- koalam ; kozhumai .
*84.hut- kolibe- kulam/ house
85.donkey/ foal- kerr- karam ; koaveri ; ka= va; va= ka.
86.stain - kerpe- karai cry- klitha- kaththuthal; letters are jumbled.
88.kid- kedh- kutti aadu ;kutti- little- aadu- goat .
89.cellar- katua- kidannkku
*90.village- katund- kudanthai /town
91.penis- kar- aaan kuri ;an- male; kuri- symbol .
* kale- killai
*93.excrements- kake- kakka
94.puddle- kllape- kazhuli
95.cap- kesule- kullai
96.sty- kadh- kann katti ; kann- eye; katti- swelling.
*97.pruning knife- kadhe- kaththi / knife
*98.ox- ka- koa; kaa .
99.defective- giymte- kuththam ;letters are jumbled.
100.knee- gju- kanu
101.stone- gur- kar
102.woman- grua- kaarikai
* gnaw- griji- kori cut into pieces- griji- keeru
* sharpen- grih- koormai /sharp; kooraakku/to sharpen.
*106.hole- golle- kuzhi
107.heap of stones /stone hill - gomile- kal malai; kal- stone; malai- mountain.
108.ball- gogel- koalam
*109.clay- gline- kali munn
110.matter from eyes- glepe- kann poolai ; kann- eye; letters are jumbled.
* build- godita- kattidu beat- godita- kottu/ as a drum cry- gerthas- karainthidu
* snore- gerhita- kurattai
115.rocky area- gergalle- karun-k-kal munn ;karu- black ;kal- stone; munn- land.
*116.hole- gaver- koarai gas- kusi
118.fence- gardh- kiraathi
*119.heap- gamule- kumiyal
* put in- futa- poadu
*121.strong- forte- uruthi
122.word- fjale- sol sleep- fjeta- padu
* fry- fergoj- porikka
*125.woman- femen- penn mani
126.fever- ethe- soodu
127.vessel- ene- yaenam
* weave- end- neithidu burn- dhez- thee idu; thee- fire; idu- make. rotate- dredh suttridu burn- djeg- thee iduka; thee- fire; iduka- make. find out- diktoj- thaedi kanndidu
133.damage- dem- saetham
134.door- dere- thirappu
* stuff- dend- thiniththidu
136.big ram- dak- kedaa; letters are in reversed order.
137.buttocks- bythe- puttam ; root word is pudaippu/ bulging.
*138.hole- bire- poarai
* – bisede- paesidu / to talk
140.load/ burden- barre- param; perum sumai ; periya- big; sumai- burden
* ar- urai
*142.father- ape- appa
*143.adore- adhuroj – thuthiththar ; aadarsh .
*144.ghost- abe- paei
145.pouch- abaj- pai
146.holy of holies- ajo dhime- thooimai / holy
*147.compact - aket- kattimai
*148.foolish- amet- madamai
*149.snarl at - akeroj- kurai / bark
150.pot- ane- paanai
* play - aktuer- kooththaadiyar
*152.strength- arti – uruthi
153.overripe fig – askadh -kanintha aththi kani ; kanitha-ripe; aththi- fig; kani- fruit .
154.dried fig- askadh- kaaintha aththi kani ; kaintha-dried.
* ati- idaththu ; letter is read more than once.
156.mother land- atdhe- thai naadu ;thaai- mother; naadu- state
157.homeland- atme- thaai munn ;thai- mother; munn- land.
159.chamber pot- bakal- kalayam/ vessel ; kaal panai ;kaal- room; panai- pot; letters are jumbled.
*160grass- bar- pur
161.abdomen- baqth- akadu
*162.equally- baras- oppura
*163.stout- barkosh – perukka
* bebe- paapa
*165.terror- betaje- peethi /fear
*166.penis- bile- poolu
* birre- paerai/ water
*168.publish- botoj- pathippiththidu ; pathippu – publication.
*169.little boy- cun- sinnaan; sinnaiyan .
*170.mother- dade- thai; letter ‘d’ is read only once
*171.nurse- dade- uoottu thaai ;uoottu- feed; thaai- mother; thathi .
*172.become- dal- ayiduthal
*173.arrive- dal- adaithal
174.come to an end- dal- mudithal extinguished- dal- anaithal
176.come out [ flowers] – dal- pooththal/ blossom; thalai -sprout; puthal- bud.
177.hold- dal- pidiththal
*178.stop -dal- thaduththal
*179.check- dal- aaithal ; soathiththal .
*180.detain- dal- adaiththal
181.protruding- dale- pudaiththal / protrude
*182.slap- dap- thappu / beat
* of garments- dari- aadai thara ; aadai- dress; thara- to give.
*184.flat stone- daskulli- thattai kal ;thattai- flat; kal- stone.
*185.say -de- oathu
*186.give - de- thaa-
*187.drum- daulle- thavul ;maththalam ; root word is adiththal - beating die- dek- madika
*189.sheep- dele- uthal
*190.shed/ pour forth- dekoj- uooththuka
191.untamed- ddoq- adankka
*192.sort /rank- dore – tharam
*193.the river- dri- thirai duga- kadai ; letters are in reversed order.
*195.thrash- dukoj- adikka
* fulfilled- dal- mudiththal
*197.accept- dheks- oththukkoa
*198.shepherd- dhen- Idaiyan
*199.goat – dhi – aadu
*200.goatherd- dhiar- Idaiyar
201.hut- dhil- thalam
202.presents - dhunti - thanthida /to give
*203.give- dhuroj- thara
204.substitute- edhe- maaththu
205.economy- ekonomi- sikkanam /economical
206.air- ere- yuir
*207.irritate - erethis- uruththu
*208.hole- falez- puzhi; pollal .
* faqe- pakkam
*210.side /of triangle- fage- pakkam
211.hardship-/ labouring- fedige-paadu paduka; letters are read more than once.
*212.dirty- felliq- azhukkaa
*213.fouling- felliq- azhuka
214.flute- filaske- pullaankkuzhal ;letter ‘l’ is read more than once.
215.gain/ earnings- fitim- eettam
216.think over- ftek- enniduka
217.gargle- gar gara- kaara
218.croak – gargas- kara karappu oaasai ;oaasai- sound .
219.bunch of dry leaves- gate- kaaintha koththu adai ;koththu- bunch; adai- leaf ; kaaintha- dried.
*220.angle- gene- koanam
*221.vulture- gogol- kazhuku ; letters are jumbled.
*222.crowd- godhe- koottam
*223.blow- goditje- kuththu
* goditje- kattu
*225.building- godites- kattidam
*226.constructor- godites- koththan / mason; kattuvoan – one who constructs. godis- kanndidu
*228.manufacture- godis- aakkidu
229.guess- godis- kaniththidu
230.pulsate/ throb- godas- thudikka; letters are in reversed order.
*231.empty /vacant- golle- kaali
*232.pipe/ tube - golle- kuzhaai
233.tumbler/ drinking glass- gote – kudikkum kuduvai ; kudikka- to drink; kuduvai- cup ; ka= va; va= ka. .
234.cowherd- govadar- kudavar ; letters are jumbled.
235.hump- gunge- koonaaka ; koon- hump
236.brick- gure-senkkar
237.lime kiln- gure- kaarai/ lime stone
238.stone breaker- gur tar- kar udaiththar ;kar- stone; udaiththar- breaking; kar thachchar- sculptor .
*239.hurry up- gutu- kada kada nnu
240.reading- gjedhe- kaththidu
241.listen- gjegi- kaekka
242.hunter- gjatuer- kaadar ;kadu- forest .
*243.join- gjedh- koodu
244.was found- gjent- kanndida
245.lake- gjol- kulam jacket- gjurdi- karuththa sattai ; karu- black ;sattai- dress; letters are jumbled.
247.small tumour in throat- gjute- katti /tumor/ lump
248.jug- giym- kinnam / bowl
* fortress- giytet- koattai
250.destruction- haliq- azhikka / destruct; azhivu – destruction; ka= va ; va= ka.
251.decrease- hardall- kuraiththal ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
252.respect- hater- mathiththar
*253.thine /slender /slim - holle- olliya
*254.slim / lean- hollak- olliyaaka
255.vulture- hute bardhe- parunthu
*256.boat- kade- kadaththu
257.barrel- kade- kottu / barrel of a drum
*258.hip- kakole- okkalai
*259.cutting- kalitet- kizhiththidu
260.cut- kalis- kizhi
261.milk can- kallaj- kalasa kalayam ; kalasam- milk; kalayam- vessel ; letters are read more than once.
262.forearm- kale- kaikal / arms; muzhnkkai- forearm; letters are jumbled
*263.corn/ foot- kallo- kaal aani ; kaal- foot .
264.crowd- kapul- kumpal
265.storey- kat- adukku; letters are in reversed order.
266.small pot- katani shte- kutti satti ; kutti- small; satti- pot.
267.cellar- katoq- kidannku
268.nut- katoc- kottai
269.pit of arm- kilje- akkul ; kai kuzhi ; kai- arm; kuzhi- pit.
270.joint of leg- kile- kaal kanu / knee; kanukkal- ankle; kaal- leg
*271.girl - kedh - kutti
*272.scream- kith- kaththu /shout
*273.mire- klli- kali munn
274.cage-kluvi – kulaayam/ bird’s cage
*275.hilly- kodruem –kuththiram
276.pimp- kodosh- kootti koduppoan
*277.bone- kocke- akku
*278.lump/swelling -kokel-kazhalai
*279.mushroom- kokulle- kaalaan
280.cottage- kotec- kottakai
*281.big basket- kotec- koodai / basket
*282.wood- kothishte- kattai
* kote- kudi kadan ; kudi kadamai
284.coat- kote- mae-k-kattu ; koadi; kuttai/ cloth .
285.sleepiness- kote- kida/ sleep
286.worm- krym- kirumi
*287.timber- kthis- kattai
*288.mason- kthis- koththan
*289.hut- ksolle- kuchchil
*290.pitcher/pot – kuat/ kudh – kudam
*291.gang/ party- kuluci- kuzhu
*292.down- kulihu- keezhae
*293.grasp- kuptoj- kai paththu
294.whiskers- musht -meesai mudi ;meesai- mustache; mudi- hair.
295.monk- muneg- munivan ; ka= va; va= ka .
296.formerly/previously – motes- munthaiya
*297.death- more- maraiya / disappear
*298.pupil of eye- mine- mani; kann mani; kann- eye.
299.waist coat- mintan- mundu thuni ; mundu- dhothi ;thuni- cloth.
*300.mentally deficient- mete- moodan
*301. outer wall/ rampart - meter- ez –mathir
*302. leave something undone- met- mudiththidathu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once ; mudinthathu- done.
303.kneeling – metani- mandi idu ; letters are jumbled; mutti idanum / kneel down; mutti- knee; idu- do.
304.middle /central- mesem- maiyam beam- mertek- marakkattai; letters are jumbled; maram- tree; kattai- wood.
306.think over - mend- - mananthu ennida ;manathu- mind; ennida- to think; letters are read more than once.
307.remember- mend- oj- manathu ninaiththida ; ninaiththidu- to remember; letters are read more than once..
308.thought/ idea - mendim- mana thittam ; manam- mind; thittam- idea.
309.faint- swoon - meke- mayankka a faint- meket- mayankida
*311.old sheep- mari- mari /sheep /ram
*312.highlands- malci- malai uchchi ; malai- mountain; uchchi- top .
313.mountain people- malcori- malai aka karar
314.mountain- malok- malai akam ; kallakam ; letters are in reversed order ; malai- mountain.
315.hillman - malok - malai aka makkal / hill dwellers; makakl- people; letters are read more than once.
316.beyond the mountain- mal tej- malai yaei thandi
*317.coat- mallote- mael aadai / upper garment; mael- over; aadai- dress.
*318.elder/ senior- madh –mooththa
* maturity- madh- muththida / matured
*320.grandmother- ae madh – moo-thaai ;thai- mother; mooththa- elder.
*321.where- nga- enkkae
*322.weep- lot- azhuthidu
323.lake- liqe- elinkku
324.lemon- limue- elimichchai; root word- manam ulla- one with fragrant; letters are jumbled. ligj- ozhunkku
326.tiller- laver- uzhavar / plough man
327.leaf- lape- ilai
* case - kuti- koodu/ case
*329.whelp- kute- kutti/ young
*330.we- nom- naam nager- kariya niram ; karu- black; niram- colour/ ray ;letters are jumbled.
*332.ship- nave- naavaai
*333.extinguish- ndal- anaiththiduthal
*334.stretch- ndeh- neettu
335.grateful- ndere- nanderi
336.recall- nder- mend- manathu ninaiththiduthar ; manathu- mind; ninaiththida- to remember ; letters are jumbled.
*337.foul- ndoh- naaththam/ foul smell
338.straight /direct- ndreq- naeradiyaaka ; letters are jumbled.
339.straight / direct- ndrejt – naeradiya ; ; letters are jumbled.
340.braid- ndrri- pinnuthar
*341.towards- nok-noakki
342.still/ yet- nene- innum nerenze- naarankaai ; naara- smell ; kaai- green fruit .
344.stupor- ngath- mayankida
345.meal- oft- sappaadu
346.stand up- ngreh- nirkka; letters are jumbled.
347.insert- ngul- nuzhaikka ; letters are jumbled .
348.hour- ore- oaarai ;naeram .
*349.look- ngje- noakka
*350.count- ngjeh-ennuka
351.hoarseness- ngjir- kara kara nnu ; letters are jumbled. ni-onnu
*353.truth- nim- unmai
*354.bind- niidh- inaiththidu
*355.inadequate- paafte- poaathaathu
356.hungry- pabuke- pasikka
*357.bosom - paje- pachchi
*358.near- pakemos- pakkam
*359.bundle- pakete- kattu
360.slim girl- paline- olli penn ; letters are jumbled; olli- slime; penn- girl .
*361.dress- panje- panju
*362.curtain- para dere- periya thirai ;periya- big; thirai- curtain .
*363.nobles /ancestors- pare- periyoar
364.parliament- parlament- paaralum mandram
365.tumble – pataks- thadukka
366.voiceless- paza/ pazashem - paechchu inmai ; paechchu- speech; inmai- without.
*367.cloth- pece- paasi
368.shepherd- pekurar- kochchaiyar
369.fairy- perri- paei uru
* leaf- pete- ponn yaedu / gold sheet; pon- gold; yaedu- sheet; pon adai- adai- leaf.
*371.separate- percquaj- pirikka
*372.separate /divide – perdaj- piriththida
*373.sharing / partition- perdarje- piriththiduthar
*374.spread- perhap- parappu
* broadcast- perhap- parappu
*376.encounter/ meet- perkas- parkka
*377.collect/ pick up /grain - perkoq- porukka
378.suitability- pershtat- poruththam
379.become pregnant/ animals- perzehet- paeru adaiya / humans
380.pier / of bridge- pile -paalam /bridge
381.small hole- pilze- puzhai ; sinna puzhai; letters are jumbled ;sinna- small; puzhai- hole. .
*382.pearl- pirule- paral
383.mudbrick- pjekulle- senkkal
*384.slab /flat stone /slate - pilake- palakai
*385.stove- pot- aduppu
*386.sole of the foot- potille- patha adi thole; paatham- foot; adi- under; thole- skin.
387.sole of the foot- puter- paatha adi thoar ; thoar- skin.
388.sole of shoe - shpute- paatha adi
389.wound- qage- kaayam
390.donkey- qar- koavaeri/ mule; ka= va; va= ka.
*391.weeping- qar- karaiya
*392.complaint- qar- kurai
393.powder- puder- podi iduthar; podiththar / to make powder.
*394.spotted- pull- pulli pulliyaa; pulli- spot.
* qen- kukkan ; yekinan ; naaikkan ; letters are in reversed order.
396.gathering- qemti- koootam; letters are jumbled; koodanum- to gather.
*397.mock- qell- ikazha
* qelli- kaal
* qete- kaduvan / male cat
400.cowman- qet- kudavan ; ka= va; va= ka.
401.blind- qorr- kurudu
402.medulla- qull -mukulam
403.rug- qull- kampali ; samukkaalam
*404.get moist- rihem- eeram / moisture
405.water jar- rrekell- neer kalam; neer- water; kalam- vessel.
406.line/ marking- rrevi- vari; letters are in reversed order.
407.seize - rrok- pariikka
408.water pot- sekel- keezhaala kalam; keezhaalam- water; kalam- vessel
*409.cloth- skut – kuttai; koadi
*410.bandage- skut- kattu
*411.wrapping- skut- kattu
*412.race/ lineage- skote- kudi
413.emerald- smaragd- maragatham
414.drain pipe- sqoll- kazhivu kuzhaai / drainage pipe; kuzhaai- pipe.
*415.make- stis- seithidu
*416.picture- stori- siththiram ;theettiya thirai ;theetu- to draw; thirai-screen
417.terror- shit – achcham adaiya; achcham- fear;adaiya- to have.
*418.barter /merchant - shit - setti ;saettu ;etti .
419.slap- shite- thattu; saththu/ beat.
420.dissolving- shkris- karaiya
421.writing- shkrim- keeranum; kirukkanum /to write
422.scribe /writer- shkriu- kirukkuvoan ; ka= va; va= ka.
423.rope- shkruf- kayeiru
*424.fatigue - shthur- asathi ura shtyr- thurai ash- shkrum- karuppu kari ; karumai- black; kari- soot.
427.stopper- shtupe- adaippu
*428.added /increased - shtuar-saeththiduthar
*429.add/ increase- shtoj- saeththidu
*430.body- shtat – sattai
431.pot- shtamen – munn satti ; munn- clay /soil ;satti- pot.
*432.cloth- shtof- soodi saadi ; sattai .
*433.shoot/ fire- shtie- sudu
*434.sheep- shtrri- thuru
435.sword- shpate- patta
436.bitter- shkydhet- kaiththida
437.shorten- shkurtice
*438.shake- shkus- asaikka
439.dirty- shkryj- karai
440.milk can- tegel- suthai kalam; suthai- milk; kalam- vessel.
*441.effect- takam- thaakkam
442.alphabet- tale - ezhuththu ; letters are jumbled.
443.tempt- tandim - thoondanum
444.stopper/ plug- tape- adaippu ; adaippaan plate- tave – thavaa
446.near- te- otti
447.staying with- tek- thankka /to stay
448.separately- tek- thani thaniyaka
449.odd numbers- tek – oththai ennikkai; oththai- odd; ennikkai- numbers /count
*450.leather- tel- thole
*451.steer- ter- oattuthar
452.cloth- tis- udai / dress
453.bunch- tog- koththu ; letters are in reversed order .
454.bundle- toke- kattu ; letters are in reversed order.
455.lump- toke- katti ; letters are in reversed order.
456.sweet- toke- thiththikka /sweetness
*456.path- toro- thaari ; thurai ; thaarai ;thiram . place- treg- kadai theru ; kadai- shop ;theru- street; letters are jumbled. tog- koottam ; letters are in reversed order.
*459.pile- tog- adukku
460.battalion- to bor- poar padai ; letters are jumbled; poar- war; padai- army .
461.pound- tres-idiththar
*462.southern- toske- thekku / south
*463.grandfather- tot- thaththaa
464.grandpa- tat madh -mooththa thaaththa/ great grandfather; mooththa- elder; thaaththa- grandpa.
*465.dust- toz- thoosu
*466.roam- trap- thiriya
467.boat- trap- thuroni
468.ferryman- trap – thiraiyar /sea farer
*469.declare- treg- therivikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
*470.immediately- tuk – takkunnu
*471.rock/ shake - tul – aattuthal
*472.cloth- tul- thuyil
473.subsided- tul- thanithal
474.troop- tube- padai; letters are in reversed order.
* turr- oaaduthar
476.bore /drill- turr- thuruvu
477.gun- tyfek- thuppakki
478.hole- tyte- oaattai typ- thoompu
480.hit- typ- adi; idi.
481.touched- thek – manathai thoduka; manathu- mind; thoduka- touch.
*482.piercing- thekes- theikka
*483.pierce- ther- theiththar
484.crack- thyes- udaiya; oaattai adaiya.
485.knit- thur- thunnuthar
486.weave- thur- neither
*487.enclosing – thur- adaiththar /enclose
488.bury- thella- puthaiththal
*489.bad- udob- thappu ; theethu .
*490.street- udhe- veethi
*491.put- ve- vai
*492.put- vag- vaikka away- vdoj- voatti vidu
*494.alone- vedi- voththaiya
*495.robe- veste- udai
496.belongings- vet- udamai
497.rush- vertik- virainthiduka
*498.hurry /rush- vrap- viraiya
499.quickly- vrik- viraivaaka
*500.victory- vitore- vettri
501. spring- virua- aruvi ; letters are in reversed order.
*502.hole- vrim- vivaram
*503.line- vrri - vari
504.bunch of flowers- kapule- kulai / bunch
*505.garment- ithke- thoakkai
506.difficulty- zor- siramam ; aari .
507.wipe out- zhduk- thudaikka
508.untie- zgjidh- kattai edu; kattu- knot.
*509.hit- takoj- adikka
*510.touch- takoj- thoduka
*511.beat- tok- adikka
*512.knock- tok- thattuka; idiklka.
*513.strike- tok- thakka
*514.attack- turr- adiththar
515.dash- turrje- moathuthar ; idiththar
516.lamb- shqere- kori/ sheep
517.sorrowful- lige- azhuka /weep ; alakkann
*518.evil -- lige- izhukku
519.disease- liqe- azhunkkal
*520.cup- kupe- koappai
521.incus of the ear - kudh – kaathu pattai enpu ; kaathu- ear ;enpu= bone.
522.appetite -apetit- pasiththida
*523.observe/notice-apikas- paakka
524.water hole in the mountains- qore- koarai/ hole
525.castrate- skopit – kaai adi ;kaai- testis; adi- beat.
526.armpit- sqetull- kakka adi kuzhi; kakakm- arm; adi- under; kuzhi- pit.
*527.pile- tog- adukku
* break- thyej- udai